Apoptosis and Autoimmunity - From Mechanisms to Treatments
![[Image: 51dzwLuR98L._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg]](https://images-na.ssl-images-amazon.com/images/I/51dzwLuR98L._SX352_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg)
More than 100 years ago Paul Ehrlich coined the expression ‘horror autotoxicus’ implicating the existence of autoimmune diseases. After the first description of an autoimmune disease of the thyroid, it soon became obvious that autoimmunity in principle is a self-limiting process, which in certain situations might proceed in an autoaggressive disease situation, when stringent control mechanisms have failed or are dysregulated. Despite of extensive research activities over the past decades, the etiology of autoimmune diseases is still enigmatic. Different hypotheses have been postulated, although these only partially explain the phenomenon
of ‘autoimmunity’.
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